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2013-10-18Radioactivity of natural stone is simple discrimination method
Radioactivity on a simple stone discriminant analysis - Normally, dark stone high radiation than light-colored, red stone which is the highest radioactivity, followed by green, pink, gray, black, white; igneous (magmatic rocks) higher than programmed metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, which is higher than granite marble, followed by limestone, slate, sandstone, home decoration should be noted that less deep red and dark green stone, home improvement should be noted that less deep red and dark green stone, such as Indian red, Guilin red, green rhododendron, etc., the following are a few names of radioactive high natural stone, not suitable for indoor decoration used in large quantities, it is recommended to use in landscape or outdoors.      Sample Name thorium ----- ----- ----- radium potassium --- Category      Indian Red - 218.9 - 280.1 - 1238.0 - C Class      Guilin Red - 241.2 - 246.9 - 1549.2 - C Class      Red Azalea - 470.8 - 910.4 - 3054.7 - More than Class C      Azalea Green - 483.5 - 792.6 - 3313 - More than Class C      Article Keywords: stone knowledge, stone, stone company, radioactive stone
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